The Glorias

Reviewed by Van of Urantia

  • Drama
  • 139 minutes
  • MPAA rating: R
  • 4DFR rating: PG-13

Julianne Moore and Bette Midler played, as usual, excellent parts in the movie The Glorias. Julianne plays Gloria Steinem, who is a known figure in the Women’s Movement in the 1960s and 1970s, and beyond. Many important women’s oppression issues were pointed out in this movie and movement, a predecessor to the Me Too Movement today. This movie should be nominated for Best Picture of the Year in 2021. Alicia Vikander.

~Van of Urantia

*MPAA = Motion Picture Association of America

*4DFR = An alternative, 4th-Dimensional, rating is supplied by the author of this review

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