Pieces of April

Reviewed by Gabriel of Urantia

  • Comedy
  • 80 minutes
  • MPAA rating: PG-13

If you want to know what a starseed is, a classical example is the lead female role of the character April (played by Katie Holmes) in the film Pieces of April. (It would be interesting to know if the writer, Peter Hedges, studied any of The Cosmic Family, Volume 1.) April has, like many starseed souls, Urantian (first-light-soul) parents and siblings, none of whom understand her. Her decisions in life all seem to be too radical, and her family can just barely stand her lifestyle. Sick and dying of cancer, April's mother finally decides to make amends with her daughter. She accepts her daughter's dinner invitation, and, on Thanksgiving Day, sets out with the whole family to the Bronx in New York City where her daughter is living with a man of color.

The film has many comical scenes because the subject matter itself can be quite humorous. Before the parents come, April discovers her oven doesn't work, and therefore, she can't cook the turkey (actually, she can't cook at all but is willing to try), so she ends up going through the entire apartment building asking for help, getting to know many wonderful neighbors in the process.

There is a happy ending. All turns out well, including the turkey; April reconciles with her family and also realizes she has another family.

There are some sexual scenes, so it's not for young teens. Our rating would be a Minimum Viewing Age of 18 years (MVA-18).

~Gabriel of Urantia

*MPAA = Motion Picture Association of America

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