It's a television series that's on Amazon. It's about the New York Philharmonic today and a fictional maestro from Mexico, who is a starseed, who most likely is from the universe of Avalon and the planet of Alcyone (don't ask—but if interested, see The Cosmic Family, Volume 1). His beautiful wife is also a starseed, who's probably from the universe of Fanoving. Both of them are great violinists. The show revolves around quirky musicians in the Philharmonic and their lifestyles, making them very human. It's funny how they interact with each other but on stage have to pretend to be sophisticated—even the maestro, who cuts his long hair to play the role but leaves his tail. The show has excellent music, however each segment is only a half hour but it's all on-demand, so you can watch one after another. Don't miss this series.
It has a lot of sex scenes, so I rate it age 25 for single people.
~Van of Urantia*MPAA = Motion Picture Association of America
*4DFR = An alternative, 4th-Dimensional, rating is supplied by the author of this review